Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU Program
    MUR PNRR    PNRR Italia Domani

Preparedness Against Newly-emerging Viruses: Innovations in Research, Intervention, and Drug Evolution (PANVIRIDE)
(RN5) Cascade Open Call 2023 Spoke 5 Winner :
Preparedness Against Newly-emerging Viruses: Innovations in Research, Intervention, and Drug Evolution (PANVIRIDE)

Preparedness Against Newly-emerging Viruses: Innovations in Research, Intervention, and Drug Evolution (PANVIRIDE)

Cascade Open Call 2023 Spoke 5 Winner - within Research Node 5

The PANVIRIDE consortium seeks to address the pressing global challenge of emerging viral threats by developing broad-spectrum antivirals (BSAs) capable of inhibiting multiple viruses, with a focus on respiratory and vector- borne viruses.

Today, most infectious diseases caused by known viruses do not have a treatment (vaccine or drug) to prevent or cure them and the few antiviral drugs on the market today (around 100) are mainly active against viruses causing persistent or long term infections (e.g., HIV, HCV, herpes). With the ongoing evolution of viruses and their growing pandemic potential, the limitations of available antiviral drugs have become evident.

In this frame, PANVIRIDE’s mission is to accelerate the development of new antiviral drug candidates with a broad-spectrum of activity, to tackle the current and future outbreaks, or the emergence of drug-resistant viral strains. Specifically, two main objectives will be pursued:

By exploiting partners’ experience in antiviral drug discovery and the wide range of preliminary data already available, the PANVIRIDE consortium is well-positioned to meet the urgent need for effective antivirals in the context of infectious disease management and public health preparedness and response.
research investigators of the PANVIRIDE consortium

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Institutions involved: CNR (Spoke in charge of the Cascade Call) - UNIPR (Lead Beneficiary) - UNIPG - UNIPI - UNISS - UNISA - UNICZ - VIROSTATICS

Funds Awarded: EUR 1’999’831.25

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INF-ACT is a Participated Foundation (Fondazione di Partecipazione)
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The INF-ACT Foundation is the Hub of the a project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.3 - Call for tender No. 341 of 15 March 2022 of Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Project code PE00000007, Concession Decree No. 1554 of 11 October 2022 adopted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, Project title "Preparedness Against Newly-emerging Viruses: Innovations in Research, Intervention, and Drug Evolution (PANVIRIDE)".

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU Program
    MUR PNRR    PNRR Italia Domani

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